Sweet things in Sendai (by the family)

There are so many cafeterias and bakeries in Sendai. Japanese definitely seem to love their cakes, biscuits and other sweet products.

Our favourites are definitely the fish-shaped cakes called Taiyaki. Taiyaki is a kind of a waffle - it's not too sweet though but just enough to tickle your sweet tooth. There are several shops around the Sendai city that sell them. You recognise a shop selling Taiyaki-waffles by the large fish sign. We first thought these shops were fishmongers selling the catch of the day and wondered why all the shops always had long queues outside, so we never went in. Until a friend of ours took us into one of them to try them... And we fell in love... You can order these fish-cakes with different fillings - and they come either hot or cold. The usual filling is a sweet bean paste but our favourite is the custard and chocolate filling. We also found one shop that sells cold fish-cakes with a mixture of cream and chocolate or cream and custard and these are sooo good!

Another thing that they have here are DIY-sweets. These do it yourself sweets you will find from most Japanese supermarkets - we usually buy them from our local Coop. Here are two of the ones we have done as a family:

This one was like Play Doh - except you were allowed to eat it afterwards :)...

This one was fun - creating sort of jello sweets from powder and water:
