So it has been a while since I have posted anything – it really is amazing how quickly time goes by, not just that I am now looking back at 8 weeks being here in Japan, but each day seems to dissipate without warning; I put this partly down to trying to get into some sort of work routine while working from ‘home’ and still working round the time difference between here and Finland.
I have found my day becoming somewhat fragmented, like a really old car – stopping and starting all the time. There have been days where I end up putting in 16 hours, making myself available for meetings scheduled according to the Finnish working day. However, I am starting to see some improvement in this, as I truly want to embrace the fact that I am actually physically here, in a new geographic environment with bucket loads of new experiences waiting to be had; not to mention cracking the enigma of the Japanese culture.
So, I was wondering what to write about as there have been a great deal of things, like the Imoni party we were invited to last weekend – a day spent cooking two pots of stew on an open fire on the rocks by the local river, surrounded by other groups of friends and family celebrating the end of the summer and welcoming the autumn or the baseball game we attended watching the Sendai's Raguten Eagles end their season with a win and being part of a great crowd with organised chanting and singing or being invited to my daughters school for an organised hip-hop dance lesson or even the simple side of exploring the local area and the centre of Sendai.
All of these have provided great memories and new experiences, but I thought I would be a bit boring and practical and use this post to advise anyone in the same position or who will be, to get the balance between work and making the most of your time here, right. Otherwise you will wonder where the time went and what happened and when someone asks what was Japan like, you have something to say :).
As funny as it sounds setting up this tiny little office/desk made a huge difference psychologically to the feeling of being at work. So the return on investment is huge.
I have found my day becoming somewhat fragmented, like a really old car – stopping and starting all the time. There have been days where I end up putting in 16 hours, making myself available for meetings scheduled according to the Finnish working day. However, I am starting to see some improvement in this, as I truly want to embrace the fact that I am actually physically here, in a new geographic environment with bucket loads of new experiences waiting to be had; not to mention cracking the enigma of the Japanese culture.
As funny as it sounds setting up this tiny little office/desk made a huge difference psychologically to the feeling of being at work. So the return on investment is huge.
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