This was not our first Christmas abroad but it definitely was totally different to what we have been used to. There was no roast ham or other traditional Finnish casseroles, but we did manage to get a roast chicken - from KFC ๐. They had different kinds of Christmas specialities made to order so we decided to get a whole chicken. A very expensive whole chicken - 5,800yen!!
We also found a small christmas tree from the local 100 yen store and decorated it. We even found small lights to go on the tree. The kids put some other decorations on the walls as well, to make it as christmassy as possible (This was the first time that I realised how much I missed our home back in Finland. And our store room... which is full of boxes stuffed with Christmas decorations, outside and inside decorative lights etc...)
Our Christmas tree |
Our KFC chicken :) |
All the things on offer at KFC during Christmas time |
This is "rosolli" - traditional Finnish salad, served at Christmas meal |
We bought this tasty Christmas log from Sendai station |
Even though the food wasn't what we were used to and the day itself was also starting to feel that way as I fell ill and had to go to the doctors in the morning of the eve (and had to queue for two hours, but then again it was worth it as the doctor was able to speak english ๐), our Christmas Eve in Sendai, Japan, was a success and one that we will remember. The kids were happy as were the adults and we thoroughly enjoyed what we had managed to prepare for the Christmas meal. Our menu consisted of the KFC chicken; mashed potatoes, homemade traditional Finnish carrot casserole, meatballs, Finnish rosolli -salad, sashimi and onions. And it was all delicious and perfect! Patrick had also brought a bottle of glรถgi (a kind of mulled wine) back from his latest trip to Finland which really was the icing on the cake ๐.
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